Eco Services

ecomall will provide free consultation on suitability of all eco services listed in this section, for your application and cost estimate. Please contact us through the messaging provisions given on this page.

Besides using eco-friendly products in our daily lives, we need to embrace eco-friendly services also. The usage of eco-friendly products and eco-friendly services, results in a complete and comprehensive eco-living.

Until and unless every individual gets on the path of eco-living, we shall never be able to achieve the climate change reversal and there by give a habitable earth to our next generations.

We have no other choice. The sooner we adapt eco-living the safer and secure will be our present and future. And most importantly, DO NOT DEPERSONALIZE reduction of carbon emissions. What we mean is, you and I also can and must do out bit. We cannot wait till governments of the world react. It is like waiting for planets to align and trying to stop plate-tectonics!

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These are some of the steps we as individuals can take. We will publish in our blogs a detailed note on each of these steps. For now we are just listing the steps with a brief description.

  • Any item that we want to discard, rethink if it can be re-purposed for any other use. Or can it be modified into a different product. Try and see if can be salvaged in some way. This is the first mantra of eco-living – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. For example: If you want to discard a window curtain – see if can be cut and made into a table cloth, or if tote bags can be made with it, or use it as rags around the house or for cleaning the car with.

See the source image
Image Courtesy: Fine Art America
  • Use energy efficient appliances around the house. The simplest and easiest one to to is, replace all bulbs with LED bulbs. A great start!
  • Reduce meat intake in your food. Production of meat causes huge amount of carbon emissions.
  • Avoid diesel and petrol vehicles where ever possible. Take public transportation. Or ride your bicycle if it is for short distances.
  • Install solar panels on your roof or buy power from the utility company of DISCOM (Distribution Company) that contains good portion of green and clean energy in their energy mix.
  • Fast Fashion – which is nothing but fashion companies coming up with look-alike patterns of famous brands, at fraction of the original and cranking out new models very fast. This fast fashion industry is one of the biggest contributor to land fills. So purchase clothes, shoes, accessories, only when you really need. Don’t buy out of peer pressure or some emotional compulsions.
  • Do not waste water. Replace fittings with water saving alternatives
  • Recycle waste water
  • Collect rain water and use it for non-drinking purposes. Though rain water collected properly is good for drinking also.
  • Don’t over heat or over cool your homes. Keep the temperature moderate.
  • Insulate your homes well and spend a little or fixing thermal leaks around the house.
  • Dry your clothes on a string outdoors, instead of using dryers. Dryers can be used during rainy seasons. But rest of the year line drying is very effective and non-polluting.
  • Take trips on flight, only when absolutely needed.
  • Carry your own water bottle, avoid using plastic bottles
  • Reduce plastic usage