Basil Seed


Basil is regarded as the king of herbs which is nutritional power house which contains valuable nutrients like Dietary Fibre, Protein, Vitamin -A, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Iron and Magnesium.

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  • Soaked basil seeds help to cleanse the inner stomach. It ensures easy bowel movement and helps to flush out toxins from stomach. It can be taken with milk before going to bed to ease constipation.
  • Weight Loss- Basil Seeds work extremely well for managing weight. These seeds are loaded with fibre which gives sensation of fullness throughout the day and you don’t feel much hunger.


They are great as a garnish for drinks and desserts. Blended in lemonade or sprinkled over kulfi, Basil seeds are the alternative to low calorie snacks and can be added into pastas or soups. You can add it to a bowl of yoghurt or sprinkle some in a fruit salad as a pre-meal snack to control appetite. They are known to lower your body heat, which is why people often add them to refreshing drinks like nimbu paani, or milkshakes.

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Dimensions 13.3 × 10.1 × 3.8 cm


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