Coconut Oil 1 Litr


Coconut oil is extracted from fresh coconuts, and the finest quality oil is delivered with its full flavor and aroma intact. It deeply penetrates through hair strands and nourishes them, makes them more flexible and increase their strength to reduce breakage. It also boosts the moisture content of dry skin, by helping prevent excessive water loss . So, you are assured of 100% pure and natural Coconut Oil. Above all, affordable price with quality & trust. Don’t miss out this chance !

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Brand Shathabdhi Organics
Weight 1 ltr
Nutrition Facts
(Approximate composition for 100g)
% Daily Value *
Energy 900 kcal
Protein 0g
Carbohydrate 0g
Sugars 0g
Fat 100g
Saturated Fatty Acids 86.0g
Monosaturated Fatty Acids 6.0g
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids 1.8g
Trans Fay Acids 0mg
Cholesterol 0mg

Additional information

Weight 1000 g
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 26 cm


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